
作者:匿名用户 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/313988752/answer/639447934 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。

以下的回答会深深刺痛一线城市大龄未婚女,如果心理承受不住,请及时离开。。稍安勿躁,单纯谩骂诅咒,改变不了一线城市婚姻市场风气,很多知友被我文字成功带入太虚幻境,就像即便留言设置筛选,还是超过4000条,遗憾的是留言没有切中我要表达主题,基本属于鸡汤软文看多而失去判断力的知友吧。给个提示吧,研读@妄明 留言,才会明心见性,否则只会是后人哀之而不鉴之,亦使后人而复哀后人也。 另外有个“女版”的回答一模一样,其实。。照顾一下大龄未婚女的情绪。


北京摇号很难,有个京牌车,对找对象绝对是加分的,这也是很多普通外地小伙望尘莫及,周末开着路虎揽胜带她们去延庆吃个豆腐宴,鳟鱼宴,送个iPad,差不多车里就可以那个了。聊她们很容易,这些女人也主动,我只是练练手增加恋爱经验,这些女人很势利,她们也都不是处子了,(我会假装很暖心对她们说,我不在意你的过去,反正也不想和她们结婚),同样出身北漂男孩她们看不上,会发和我在一起的朋友圈,特意配上评论“谢谢张先生的豆腐宴”。我曾经和大龄剩女说“如果你身体不允许,那就不要孩子了,我结婚不为了传宗接代”,结果我越说不要孩子,她们越迫切主动想做“生育癌” ,有的妞儿,还信誓旦旦和我说要给我生二个孩子,要在家做全职太太照顾我,(要求把房子过户到孩子名下)。她们喜欢烘焙,花好几个小时给我烘焙这些心形小点心,可是我并不喜欢华而不实的,还是老家的馒头合我的胃,家常菜才是最好的。






我利用每年20天探亲假+10天年假去旅游,女人偷窥男人朋友圈,旅游绝对是加分项,我的微信朋友圈都是三年以上可见,让女人们彻彻底底了解我。搞对象,要学会辨别女人,既要见人之所见,更要察人所未察,keep 健身是个聚宝盆,有几个主动送上门,有的也用了,为了不影响二次销售,安全措施必备的,她们和以前北漂女人最大的区别是:不会一开始就算计男人给自己花了多少钱,买了多少礼物,更看中男人才华,身材,会主动给我买衣服鞋子,肯为我花钱。但是我依旧不找她们。因为她们不能给我工作上帮助,也就过个小康生活,这不是我要的,很多土著男生、北漂男生更向往这种稳定的生活,可惜女人们还想让我带她们一起上进,我不想背着她们这样的包袱前行。和她们分手时候,这些女人会哭着苦苦哀求我回心转意,有些还说不要彩礼,不要房子加名字,但是我不为所动(北京城八区姑娘确实不要彩礼,但是其他的区我就不评论了)。她们也许会因为被我伤的太深很难走出阴影吧。这并不怪我,是她们飞蛾扑火,攀得太高跌得太惨。穷困潦倒你不陪,荣华富贵你不配。 她们今天对我流的泪,正是当时被她们高傲拒绝伤害的老实本分北京土著小伙、善良北漂男生心中滴的血,现实的“花报”。



现在聊的是导师介绍的某大学校园里长大的姑娘,虽然物质上不如我家,但是在北京人脉很广,也是门当户对互补了,在京谈恋爱啊,都是互相查缺补漏,互相扶持付出的,有些事情,不是依靠钱就能办的,人脉资源是关键,双方父母已经见面了,互相很满意,准备今年五一结婚了。这么多年读书考试留京,我不断努力,也具备实力,顺势而为,借力使力吧,机会都是留给有准备的人,婚姻强强联合才能发挥极致,人生终将辉煌,从孩儿立志出乡关到杨柳轻飏直上重霄九,一个贤内助才是一个男人一生最大的财富。思想一旦离开利益, 就一定会使自己出丑。这些姑娘一般很难剩下的,属于不可再生资源,用一个少一个。只要没有太大缺陷,她们不会到大龄,就被售罄了。一些大龄未婚女常空手套白狼,假借孩子名义,要挟男人要具备房子车子票子,她们只能被剩下。


回答写到这里,致敬那些交往过的女生。通过与你们谈恋爱,我明白了与女人交往的真谛,女人才是男人最好的211985双一流大学,神枪手是无数子弹喂出来,那么暖男大白也是无数前任女友培训出来的。爱情心理学,理论所不能解决的疑难问题,恋爱实贱将为你解决。在婚前,我经历了各种类型的女人,现在可以彻底放下,不会犯“结婚后依旧不收敛、不收手”的原则错误,大龄未婚女被剩下,我也爱莫能助了。长江水后浪推前浪,在仙女鲜肉层出不穷的大时代背景下,过几年恐怕连这个话题都不再会被人提及了,这才是弱肉强食的丛林淘汰法则吧。北上广来不及流眼泪。大家不妨看看《人民的名义》,一些北漂女就像高小琴为了上进出卖自己,一些北京土著女也许像孙连城的老婆,最多是居家好女人,在男人低落时候能陪着仰望星空,不离不弃过小日子。(很多一线大龄剩女虽然条件好,但是都有梁璐的影子,能毁掉男人一生)。至于有些综合素质俱佳口口声声叫嚣“我不依靠男人一样活得很好”的女人,可以参考达康书记的“欧阳菁”结局,对外很强硬,但在骨子里却是个感性的小女人,无奈年龄已经大了,心理却没有长大,最后犯下大错误。男人们需要的是侯亮平的老婆钟小艾那样的女人,工作上、生活上都能助力的。这句话正话反说: 希望你们这些一线城市的大龄女性不要结婚,或者结婚为了品质生活都别要宝宝,这样以后我的孩子就不会有那么多升学就业压力了。扩展一下吧,一线城市外地姑娘有了和本地土著恋爱的经历后,也很难再选择普通外地男生了。可以搜到很多回答,开脑放吧。。评论区总有些移民留学的女人一开口就是“你们国内,我在国外”高屋建瓴的评论,对于你们这些家里资产千亿的国际友人、海外侨胞,还是互相不干涉对方内务吧。至于爽文这个问题, 真假不打紧,真真假假好一似食尽鸟投林,落了片白茫茫大地真干净。

今天在更新系统的时候,提示 virtualbox-bin 从原始地址下载不了,经过一番摸索,通过下面的方式即可正常安装。

http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.2.26/ 通过 上面这个网址找到你要下载的 virtualbox 版本, 选择后缀 .amd64.run 的来下载。下载可以使用 aria2c 来下载,下载完成之后,把 run 文件放入 /usr/portage/distfiles 文件夹即可。

再次安装,提示下载 pack 失败,从上面网页找到 Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.2.26-128414.vbox-extpack 类似这个下载下来。然后把文件名修改,去掉 vbox-extpack, 增加 tar.gz,变成 Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.2.26-128414.tar.gz,这个文件也放入到 /usr/portage/distfiles 即可。


转自: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/linuxonibm/com.ibm.linux.z.lgdd/lgdd_r_hibkernelparameter.html

You configure the suspend and resume support by adding parameters to the kernel parameter line.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram suspend and resume kernel parameter syntax

-resume=--+---------------------+--+-----------+->< '- no_console_suspend-' '- noresume-'



specifies the standard device node of the swap partition with the data that is required for resuming the Linux instance.


prevents Linux consoles from being suspended early in the suspend process. Without this parameter, you cannot see the kernel messages that are issued by the suspend process.


boots the kernel without resuming a previously suspended Linux instance. Add this parameter to circumvent the resume process, for example, if the data written by the previous suspend process is damaged.


To use a partition /dev/disk/by-path/ccw-0.0.2f50-part1 as the swap partition and prevent Linux consoles from being suspended early in the suspend process specify:

resume=/dev/disk/by-path/ccw-0.0.2f50-part1 no_console_suspend

The example uses a "by-path" definition of the disk to ensure that the correct device is used, for example, after a reboot.

转自: http://chriseiffel.com/everything-linux/step-by-step-how-to-get-hibernate-working-for-linux-ubuntu-11-04-mint-11/

What Hibernation Is and Does

Hibernation takes all the data in your ram and stores it on your hard drive and then powers down the computer. The data is stored in a special type of partition called a swap partition (you can also have a swap file). When you power the computer on again the data stored from your old session is reloaded.

In the following article I am going to lead you through a systematic approach to diagnosing why Linux’s hibernation feature isn’t working on your computer and hopefully fix it. Here’s a Brief overview.

  1. Not Enough Swap
  2. Your Computer Isn’t Saving Your Session
  3. You Computer Isn’t Reading your Saved Session on Boot
  4. Your Computer Says “resuming from /dev/sdX” but freezes

1. Not Enough Swap

You should have as much swap as you have RAM plus some margin. If you try to hibernate and you are using more ram than you have swap the process will fail and sometimes hangs. Sometimes there is an error message that says “not enough swap” This is an easy problem to check for. Run the command in red.

 chris@Starace ~ $ free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         10005       9922         82          0       1647       5844
-/+ buffers/cache:       2430       7574
Swap:         8100          0       8100

The output shows the amount of swap and ram on my computer. As you can see I have 8005 Mb of RAM and I have 8100 Mb of swap. For a hibernate to work you have to have more swap than used RAM not counting cached), Also if you run out of RAM during your session your swap is used. To hibernate you must have free swap greater than the sum of your RAM and your used swap. As a general rule you should have a swap partition slightly bigger than your RAM (hopefully you aren’t using swap during your session, if you are it’s time for a RAM upgrade.)

If you don’t have enough swap or if you don’t have any swap, roll up your sleeves you need to repartition your hard drive.

Repartitioning to add more SWAP

Remember to be careful with your repartitioning, you can destroy your OS easily.

Pull out your bootable CD/Jump Drive and boot It (we can’t repartition the drive we we are using it.) Run the “gparted” disk utility. If you have swap, right click -> Delete Right click on your linux partition -> Resize/Move Decrease the size of the partition by the amount of space you want to increase your swap. Click Okay Right click on the free space -> New Change the File System Type to “linux-swap,” click okay. Click the apply check mark in the top menu of gparted to apply the changes Right Click On the new swap partition -> Information Copy down the UUID value and /dev/sdXN value for later. Linux Create Parition Make Sure the File System is linux-swap

uuid info linux Copy down the UUID and path values. We will use them later.

Note:Remember to be careful with your repartitioning, you can destroy your OS easily. After repartitioning you will need to edit your Linux Hard Drive file. Open up terminal and run the command.

chris@Starace ~ $ sudo gedit /media/NAME_OF_YOUR_COMPUTER/etc/fstab

If you had a swap partition before, look for the line that has the word swap and change the /dev/sdXN to the new /dev/sdXN value. You can also use the UUID instead of the path as shown in red. If never had a swap partition to begin with add the following line to the bottom of the “/media/NAME_OF_YOUR_COMPUTER/etc/fstab” file.

UUID=a453-Your-UUID-Number-ea33 none swap sw

The path variable can change depending on how you have your hard drive plugged in (ex /dev/sda1 -> /dev/sdb1). This usually isn’t a problem if you don’t move your hard drives around in your computer. However, Using a UUID is more reliable. The /dev/sdXN designator can change, but the UUID is unique to the storage device and doesn’t change even if you move to another computer.

After you’ve made the changes to the fstab file, shut down and boot your computer normally. To make sure this all worked run the following command in red. You should see your swap partition listed.

 chris@Starace ~ $ cat /proc/swaps
Filename                Type        Size    Used    Priority
/dev/sdNX                         partition 8295420 0   -1

If you see this take you have successfully created/expanded your swap to accommodate hibernation.

  1. Your Computer Isn’t Saving Your Session If you’ve tried to get your computer to hibernate and it didn’t work it’s helpful to look at the hibernation log.

tail /var/log/pm-suspend.log

 chris@Starace ~ $ tail  /var/log/pm-suspend.log
Running hook /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/00powersave thaw hibernate:

/usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/00powersave thaw hibernate: success.
Running hook /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/00logging thaw hibernate:

/usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/00logging thaw hibernate: success.
Running hook /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/000kernel-change thaw hibernate:

/usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/000kernel-change thaw hibernate: success.
Sun Jul 24 13:15:14 HST 2011: Finished.

If you see something that has a date and says “Finished” like the what is shown in blue, that means that your computer successfully saved the session. If you see a bunch of errors then get ready to roll up your sleeves again. Unfortunately this is the hardest error to fix. There could be dozens of reasons for this to happen, but in my case it had something to do with binding and unbinding peripheral devices. The following article explains what I did to fix the problem.


One solution that I found that worked for a lot of people, but not me is this simple fix


Don’t lose hope if you get stuck in this step. Instead google everything you can on the problem. Google the errors you see in the log. Someone has solved the problem you just need to find the solution.

3. You Computer Isn’t Reading your Saved Session on Boot

So your computer successfully saves a session, but doesn’t resume the session upon power up? It acts as if it was rebooted rather than hibernated? Well the good news is that this is a fairly easy thing to fix. This is most likely because GRUB the bootloader doesn’t know to resume from your swap. Take a look at the GRUB profile.

 chis@Starace ~ $ sudo gedit /etc/default/grub

Look for the line that starts with.


Add the following option in red.

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”resume=UUID=a353e-Your-SWAP-UUID-34eda other-option=value”


GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”resume=/dev/sdXN other-option=value”

You may or may nor have other options. Be careful that you type in the correct path or UUID for the drive here. If you don’t then when you try to resume you will have to boot in safe mode to fix the drive name and re-run the update-grub script. Save the file and then update grub with the following command.

 chris@Starace ~ $ sudo update-grub

In addition to grub we need to update/create one more file. Edit the following file.

 chris@Starace ~ $ sudo gedit /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume 

Add this line to the file.


Then run this command to update.

 chris@Starace ~ $ sudo update-initramfs -u

Now hibernate your computer and cross your fingers! It just might work.

4. Your Computer Says “resuming from /dev/sdX” but freezes

Linux is so close to hibernating and resuming successfully that it even says it is resuming. Fortunately this is another easy fix. The problem with this comes from two programs that are redundant. Removing them should fix the problem.

 chris@Starace: sudo apt-get remove hibernate uswsusp

I know that the command may seem counterintuitive. but it worked for me so hopefully it will work for you.

All Done

Remember to check to make sure your USB ports work after the suspend/hibernate.

If you tried the steps above, please leave a comment below with your system setup (OS, Computer Hardware) so that we can create a reference that others can use.

Also I got a lot of my resources from the Ubuntu page on swap partitions. If you want to learn more about this subject read this article


Happy Linuxing!

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Power management and ACPI options --->
    [*] Suspend to RAM and standby
    [*] Hibernation (aka 'suspend to disk')

然后安装 suspend 软件

emerge --ask sys-power/suspend


cat /sys/power/state


echo mem > /sys/power/state

但是要使用休眠模式, 还需要增加一些操作.

  1. 在内核里面增加下面语句, 然后重新编译内核.

    resume=/dev/sda3 no_console_suspend
  2. 替换genkernel 软件, 原来的 genkernel 据说有 bug, 安装 genkernel-next软件, 替换原来的 genkernel 软件, 然后使用 genkernel --install initramfs, 重新生成 initramfs.

但是使用下面的命令进入休眠模式就有问题, 表现为系统休眠成功了, 但是唤醒不行, 变成冷开机了, 在冷开机的时候, 系统在 swap 里面发现了保存的东西, 但是不能从这么东西里面回复状态.

echo disk > /sys/power/state

这时候需要先安装 pm-utils 软件, 然后再使用下面几步:

  1. /etc/default/grub

  2. grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
  3. genkernel --install initramfs
  4. vim /etc/pm/config.d/gentoo

然后 reboot 系统, 使用 pm-hibernate 来进入休眠模式, 后可以顺利 resume.

休眠的前面两步是否需要, 等以后验证.

经过另外在 nas 上面验证, 只需要下面几个步骤即可:

1. Power management and ACPI options --->
    [*] Suspend to RAM and standby
    [*] Hibernation (aka 'suspend to disk')
2.  pm-utils 
3. 后面的配置.

注意: 不需要在内核里面的 resume 语句, 不需要换成 genkernel-next 软件.

转自: http://www.wowotech.net/pm_subsystem/hibernation.html

出于省电和快速开机的需求, Hibernation经常被应用到Laptop和移动终端上,本文就简单讲讲Hibernation的一种实现实现方法,SWSUSP( Swap Suspend),其实swsusp从2.6开始就已经被引入到内核版本树中了,所以如果想分析swsusp的代码实现的话,还是挺方便的,只要有有2.6之后的内核代码即可。

本文不会过分深入分析代码,但文章最后会给出hibernation 和 resume的整体流程图。

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转自: https://linux.die.net/man/8/pm-hibernate

Name pm-action - Suspend or Hibernate your computer

Synopsis pm-hibernate [--help]

pm-suspend [--quirk---help] pm-suspend-hybrid [--quirk---help] Description

This manual page documents briefly the pm-action, pm-hibernate, pm-suspend and pm-suspend-hybrid commands. This manual page was originally written for the Debian(TM) distribution and has been adopted by the pm-utils project.

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转自: https://book.douban.com/subject/3748247/

楼主Kyle在大二时经高中班主任文丹姐介绍认识了五爷,接触了透析英语法,以《Little Prince》作为第一本,开始读英语原著,到目前已经整整2年半了,转眼间已经完成了22本英文原著的透析。去年暑假参加了Work and Travel USA项目,认识了几个欧美的知心朋友,十分羡慕她们自然,流利的英语,于是暗自下决心要花几年时间赶上她们,尽管阅读方面有透析法护航,但楼主在听力和口语方面的造诣的确太薄,还停留在听bbc,voa,找外教练口语这种依赖性强,连续性差的方法,楼主一直在寻思着有没有系统量化练口语和听力的渠道。13年4月,楼主加入了豆瓣这个大家庭,并且加入了英文原版书友会 ,认识了恶魔的奶爸,人称奶爸,奶爸的小组资源很多,口碑也很好,但是楼主有一定的强迫症,希望能先把小组的帖子都理一遍,有了个“大局观”,再降落到地面行动,这耗费了很多时间。(当时接触五爷的透析法的前半年把五爷以前的博文都看了个遍)13年6月份,奶爸和五爷同时宣布,他们合作出书了!当时楼主特别激动,对于五爷,奶爸来讲可谓“十年磨一剑”,而对于楼主来讲,则是对自己曾经的坚持的一种肯定!由于楼主精力及水平有限,两年半的时间也只能跟身边有限的几位朋友分享透析法,从中也体会到传道授业之难!本书系统的阐述两位大神的英语学习心得,对于其方法的传播也大有帮助!以后楼主再也不用磨破嘴皮去推广英语学习的方法了,介绍此书给有兴趣的朋友效果更佳。书拿到后,狠狠地读了几遍,花了几个小时,毫不留情的把书的骨架抽了出来,没书的朋友看这个6500字的浓缩版应该也差不多,分享给大家,希望大家喜欢!

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